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How to Propagate Prayer Plant in Water?

envirocarecentral.com. How to Propagate Prayer Plant in Water? – Learn how to propagate a prayer plant in water successfully. Discover step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and FAQs to help you nurture and propagate your prayer plant effectively.

Prayer plants, scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura, are popular indoor plants cherished for their stunning foliage and unique habit of folding their leaves at night, resembling praying hands.

Propagating these beautiful plants in water is a rewarding and accessible way to expand your plant collection. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of propagating prayer plants in water, sharing expert insights and practical tips to ensure your success.

How to Propagate Prayer Plant in Water?

Propagating prayer plants in water is an exciting endeavor that requires patience, attention to detail, and a dash of green thumb. Follow these steps to propagate your prayer plant successfully:

Choosing the Right Stem

Select a healthy stem from the mature prayer plant that has at least two nodes (the points where leaves and roots grow). Nodes are crucial as they contain the necessary cells for root development.

Prepare the Cutting

Using a sharp, clean pair of scissors or pruning shears, make a clean cut just below a node. This cutting should ideally be around 4-6 inches in length.

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Remove Lower Leaves

Carefully remove the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few leaves at the top. This helps the cutting allocate its energy towards root development instead of sustaining excess foliage.

how to propagate a prayer plant in water

Rooting Hormone (Optional)

Applying a rooting hormone to the cut end of the stem can enhance the chances of successful root growth. While optional, it can be beneficial, especially for beginners.

Place in Water

Place the prepared cutting in a jar or vase filled with distilled water. Ensure that only the nodes are submerged while the leaves remain above water.

Provide Indirect Light

Position the container with the cutting in a spot with indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can be too harsh for the cutting and may hinder its growth.

Change Water Regularly

To prevent the growth of mold or bacteria, change the water every few days. Gently rinse the cutting under running water during water changes.

Patience is Key

Root development takes time. Be patient and observe the progress. After a few weeks, you’ll notice tiny roots emerging from the nodes.


Once the roots are a few inches long, and you notice new growth on the top, your cutting is ready for transplanting into soil. Choose a well-draining potting mix and gently plant the cutting.


Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Prayer plants prefer slightly humid conditions, so mist the leaves regularly.

Gradual Acclimatization

After transplanting, allow your propagated prayer plant some time to acclimate to its new environment. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight immediately.

Expert Tips for Successful Propagation

  • Choose a healthy mother plant with no signs of disease or pests.
  • Opt for a stem cutting that’s not too young or too old.
  • Maintain a warm and humid environment for better root development.
  • Use filtered or distilled water to prevent chlorine or mineral buildup.
  • Experiment with different stem cuttings to increase your chances of success.
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Q: Can I propagate a prayer plant with just water and no soil?
A: Yes, prayer plants can be successfully propagated in water alone. Once sufficient roots develop, you can transfer the cutting to soil.

Q: How long does it take for roots to develop?
A: Root development usually takes a few weeks, but it can vary based on factors like temperature and humidity.

Q: Can I use tap water for propagating my prayer plant?
A: It’s recommended to use distilled or filtered water to prevent chlorine and mineral buildup, which can be detrimental to root growth.

Q: Should I keep the cutting in a sunny location?
A: While prayer plants need light, direct sunlight can be too harsh for the cuttings. Opt for bright, indirect light instead.

Q: Can I propagate a variegated prayer plant in water?
A: Yes, you can propagate a variegated prayer plant using the same water propagation method.

Q: How often should I mist the leaves of the propagated plant?
A: Mist the leaves every 2-3 days to maintain the desired humidity level.


Propagating a prayer plant in water is a delightful journey that allows you to witness the magic of new growth firsthand. By following the step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and FAQs outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to successfully propagate your prayer plant and expand your indoor garden. Remember, patience and care are key to nurturing a healthy and thriving propagated plant.


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